Dear Colleagues & Friends,

Alumni for Life is an informal group created for individuals who share a common thread – we have all worked in or currently still working in AIA or AIG group. We have all travelled in the insurance road and as we continue in our journey, life takes on a broader dimension and perspective.

The purpose of the informal group is to provide a platform for communication and network. It can also be a reference station for precious memories of times together. Colleagues who have contributed in sharing their experiences, thoughts, insights and wisdom will undoubtedly provide some elements of encouragement, inspiration and motivation to colleagues and friends.

For a start, the blog contains the introduction and a post on “A Tribute to the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, the founder of modern Singapore.

Happy Memories and Reading!
Douglas Cho
May, 2015

Friday, 11 August 2023


Dear Colleagues,


Let me begin with this story to illustrate a simple truth about personal connection.


Spend time with people.


"I had spent an hour in the bank with my dad, as he had to transfer some money. I couldn't resist myself & asked...

''Dad, why don't we activate your internet banking?''

''Why would I do that?'' He asked…  ''Well, then you wont have to spend an hour here for things like transfer.  You can even do your shopping online. Everything will be so easy!''


I was so excited about initiating him into the world of Net banking.  He asked ''If I do that, I wont have to step out of the house?

''Yes, yes''! I said. I told him how even groceries can be delivered at the door now and how amazon delivers everything!


His answer left me tongue-tied.  He said ''Since I entered this bank today, I have met four of my friends, I have chatted a while with the staff who know me very well by now.  You know I am alone...this is the company that I need. I like to get ready and come to the bank.  I have enough time, it is the physical touch that I crave.


Two years back I got sick, The store owner from whom I buy fruits came to see me and sat by my bedside and cried.  When your Mom fell down a few days back while on her morning walk.  Our local grocer saw her and immediately got his car to rush her home as he knows where I live.


Would I have that 'human' touch if everything became online?  Why would I want everything delivered to me and force me to interact with just my computer?

I like to know the person that I'm dealing with and not just the 'seller'. It creates bonds of Relationships.


Does Amazon deliver all this as well?  Technology isn't life.  Spend time with people .  Not with devices."


The story ends, but our reunion connection continues!


As this reunion gathering will most probably be the finale of such occasions of our time together, whether short or long, will bring back nostalgic memories.


Many of our colleagues started their working careers with AIA, some have remained in the insurance industry while others have ventured into other areas. 


We have all gone through the roller coaster of life!  I have the privilege of keeping in contact with former AIA/AIG colleagues in Singapore and other countries.


Each of us have our own memories to reflect and our stories to tell.  As we age, social contact and interaction are vital to keep our minds in active mode rather than dementia mode.


This posting is to remind you of another momentous opportunity in our gathering in July.  For those that have not responded, we hope to see 🙊 you.  Please note that registration is required as we have to furnish a list of visitors to AIA Tower for security reasons.


Take this opportunity, once in a lifetime to enjoy your past memories with your former colleagues. 


See you on July 22 (Saturday), 2:30-5:30pm at AIA Tower (Collaboration Room),1 Robinson Road, Singapore.


Your colleague,

Douglas Cho

June 7, 2023



Thursday, 1 July 2021


Hi Colleagues & Friends, 

Connection Tracing! Hope you are still in connection mode in spite of social distancing? 

This current covid-19 pandemic has affected us in so many different ways. Individually, we have to adjust to the new norm in our daily routine. 

Suddenly, our tomorrows are uncertain, our dreams fading and our priorities shifted. 

This period we experience is a wake-up call to rethink, adjust and face up to the new realities in life. 

Some of our former colleagues have taken their time to share their insights and experiences. 


Mack Eng


 The last 18 months has been a most unusual time for everyone. 

Whilst it has been most unsettling, it is also a test of one’s resilience and mindset over adversity and uncertainty. 

With WFH being the norm, it is indeed ironic to find oneself working longer hours as the demarcation between work and home gets blurred. At the same time, the irony is also being able to spend more time with the family - great bonding time over lunches and dinners. 

 It is challenging times like these, we appreciate even more no man is an island - regardless of all the tech and digital advances, humans crave for relationships and human touch. 

 Glad to have great family and friends - this period has drawn closer bonds; at times through zoom or team calls, and f2f catch ups when the phases permitted it. 

(Mack is currently the Executive Vice President, MSIG Holdings Asia; Former. President of ACE Insurance, Singapore; Former. Insurance Executive, AIA Singapore) 


Daniel TAN

(Western Australia)

 Life lessons from COVID 19 pandemic 2021:

 1. *Keep Focus & Sharp* on what is real and truth.  Avoid watching too much news from mainstream and social media.   Focus on what is edifying, enabling and empowering. 

 2. *Keep Afresh & Learning* with positive thoughts and new pragmatic skill sets.  Get back to nature and God’s beautiful creations.  Never be too late to learn new things of interest like digital disruptions & transformations and mentoring younger fathers. 

 3. *Keep Safe & Strong* by staying safe, vaccinated if I can and strengthen my immune system with moderate eating habits, exercise and adequate rest/sleep. 

 4. *Keep Affirming & Listening* within my fathering and marketplace communities, band of brothers, and family.  Check in and affirm/listen intentionally, to affirm and confer their potential and identity.

 5. *Keep Giving & Serving* others within my circle of influence so that I can render practical acts of kindness and support to those in need.

(Daniel migrated to Australia and is currently involved in mentoring fathers, helping start-ups/social enterprises in Cambodia. Currently the Director & Chief Property Disruptor, Global Strategic Partners; former AVP, Property in AIA, Singapore)


Kevin Chia


Since I returned from China in late Jan 2020, I have not been able to travel to China. Our golden retriever has since given birth to a third litter of puppies. 

 Before the pandemic I traveled to and from China 20 times a year to keep my Kris flyer Gold.  Fortunately SIA has waived the requalification requirement for 2 years.  Now I can save more for my adopted kids in China.

All in all this pandemic has caused some inconveniences due to the circuit breakers.  A positive note is that I have grown closer to my family siblings. 

Like PM LKY said, no matter what card life deals to you, you just have to play it well.

Hopefully all of us have dealt well with this pandemic.  

(Kevin was formerly General Manager, China North Region, AXA-Minmetals Assurance Group; Fmr. VP, P. A. Insurance, AIA) 


Timothy Chia


 Having gone through this pandemic, I come to realize the importance of time.  Now is the time to do what you can and want.  There's no telling what tomorrow will be like. 

 Life is full of unpredictable and uncertainties.  Do what you have to do today and don’t put off till tomorrow as tomorrow might be very different.  You can never tell what you will meet around the next bend.

 (Tim is currently the Chairman of Hup Soon Global; Former. Investment Executive, AIA Singapore)


 Peter Lin

(U. S. A) 

 In kindergarten I was asked to mix blue paint with yellow paint.  To my shock, I did not get a deeper yellow color nor a lighter blue.  The outcome was a bright green.  

Since I wrote from retirement in Los Angeles last year, my life has been a fresh green color as it was a mix of two complex situations – Covid continued, and I am now back in Singapore as the principal of our denominational theological seminary.  

 Both are new situations for me.  Covid-19 in Singapore is very different from Los Angeles.  I came back to Singapore wearing protective gloves and people looked at me with a weird look.  From being a retired person, I am now leading a theological institution which I have never done before.  But the strangest thing is that as I roam the hallway of the seminary (expecting clichés of students), I see neither students nor faculty because of e-learning due to the pandemic. As I looked at the accounts, I expected a solid black color only to find deep red ink.  

 In this new green unexpected situation, one of my dear mentors (Pastor Edmund Chan) taught me 3 Cs to navigate.  

 The first C is clarity.  We need to be clear that there will be continued uncertainty in this brand new world and accept it.  Keep on expecting the unexpected.  

 The second C is courage.  We need courage drawn from our years of faith (tapping on strength/God beyond ourselves) to navigate the surprises from these uncertainties.  It takes a bigger me to thrive in this stormy green sea.  

 Finally, we need the third C – compassion.  In grief therapy, the widowed is taught to look away from oneself and start to cast his eyes on others’ needs and thereby slowly be drawn out of the grief spiral.  Similarly, in this new green, we need to focus on others compassionately and help them so we will not feel so helpless ourselves.  

 May these 3 C’s that I learned be of help to the bigger AIA family.

 (Peter is currently the Principal of Baptist Theological Seminary in Singapore; Fmr. President (Asia Region) of Mutual Liberty Group; Fmr. General Manager, Prudential Assurance, Hong Kong; Fmr. Vice President in Nan Shan and AIA Hong Kong.)


Koh Poh Wah



The past 18 months had been one of the worst times in the world, disruptive and threatening to mankind.  It has created so much fear and anguish and I hope that lessons are learned both on a personal and global level as we ride through these adversities.

 Despite all the negativities, these uncertain times has pushed the boundaries on the psychological constraints of how we work, learn, play and connect with each other. 

 Personally, it has been a time of transformation for me too.  With the availability of technology, I can meet, acquire new skills and even bond with friends and family members from all over the globe. 

 It has given me a new perception of looking at life and the world.  Nothing is permanent and change is inevitable.  Better times are just on the horizon if we choose to care and work together constructively.

 (Poh Wah is currently Non Executive Director of a public listed company; Fmr. Vice President, MIS, AIA Singapore) 


Anna Ho

(Hong Kong) 

 While COVID-19 is more or less under control in Hong Kong at the moment, life has been close to normal locally for myself. 

 Interest classes have resumed.  Friends have been meeting up. The ex-AIA group had our first lunch gathering on June 21 with 18 attendees after a break of almost a year. 

 On the other hand, many other countries are still struggling with the pandemic. The global community must cooperate to ensure fair distribution of vaccines and medical supplies. No one place or country can claim to be safe and have full recovery when others are still suffering! 

 Let’s pray for the day when we can safely travel to most parts of the world as before.

 (Anna, an artist by nature in hobby pursuits; Dominic and Anna are the Coordinators for AIA Alumni Club, Hong Kong; Fmr. VP, Regional Group Insurance, AIA Hong Kong) 


 Sarah Ong


While so much has changed over the past year,  this global disruption has given me an opportunity to take a step back and reflect. 

 One important lesson I have learned from this pandemic is to slow down my activities and appreciate the moment. It has placed my focus on family, loved ones and health.  Cooking nutritional and creative meals becomes a daily priority and the joy I experience when the family looks forward to every meal and appreciate my effort. 

We may hit a lot of lows, but it will also be a year to discover new passions and what makes you happy. I am glad Roland(husband) and I took up cycling.  This has helped us stay fit and healthy, and is a great stress-relief too. 

Another important factor for our mental wellbeing is  to stay connected with friends.  Circuit breaker was a real struggle for me when I  couldn't meet up with friends and loved ones.   It has thought me not to take my friends and loved ones for granted and to make time to meet up whenever possible. 

Starting each day with a positive note has helped me stay cheerful while facing the new norm and the uncertainties ahead. But when things get too heavy or when I am feeling anxious, I just look up and say a little prayer.  Everything will be ok in the end.  

 Find joy in every moment and appreciate the little things in life.  Stay happy and healthy. We can go through this together. 

 (Sarah is currently a homemaker and a sports enthusiast; Fmr. Confidential Secretary, AIA Singapore) 

Kenneth Ling


Corona virus do not travel.  People do. Simple but not so simple.  Simple enough for people to understand but not easy for people to comprehend. Years and years of cultural conditioning and programming has made us fixated to our beliefs and values.  It makes us think that we are different to an extend that we refuse to accept simple facts.  Delivering clear good messages becoming challenging.

First wave, second wave, third wave and now fourth wave. Even virus change, people seldom do.  Instead, fake news are much more interesting than the real things.  Economy growth is given priority over human lives to protect the social status of the elite.  Vaccines are developed to save lives.  However, most people have more doubt instead of comfort. Sadly, vaccines are also used in the political arena to gain advantage. Some are focusing their energy to see who should take the blame for the start and spread of Covid-19 and the punitive damage compensation it should bring.

All this, like movie is playing right in front of us every single day.  Perhaps we forget we are all here for a short period of time. We are like a speck of dusk of the universe. I remember the saying that we are not human begins having a spiritual experience.  We are spiritual begins here having a human experience.  I tend to agree.  Let us treasure the time we still have on what really matter.

Oh wait a minute!  You have the right of choice.  You decide.

(Kenneth is currently the General Manager of AIA Brunei)


 Concluding Remarks:

 Let me conclude with a few brief thoughts: 

"Tomorrow may never come", this is a stark reminder that we live in an uncertain and unpredictable environment.  What we possess and work towards may change overnight!  Temporal has overtaken permanency in the race of life. 

"No man is an island", suddenly becomes more illuminating!  Family and friends become the core of everyday living.  On a daily basis, we either affect others or others affect us, besides the spreading of the virus! 

"Better to give than to receive", brings purpose and meaning in life's pursuits.  The colleagues that have shared their thoughts do indicate a heart of gratitude and inner satisfaction in giving. 

 Hope the above shared thoughts by our colleagues have given some insights and a positive response in shaping our mindset for the future. 

 Stay positive, stay connected, always learning, and choose wisely your pursuits. 

 Hopefully, 2022 can be the time we can have our reunion gathering!

 Your Colleague, 

Douglas Cho 

Fmr. VP(Admin)/Principal Officer, AIA Singapore

June 27, 2021 

Saturday, 20 March 2021


Mr. Edmund Tse, the current Non-Executive Chairman of AIA is the longest serving individual in AIA. A sixty years of loyal service since 1961! 

To understand Edmund's contributions you have to go back to history. 

The old AIA is when AIA was the wholly owned subsidiary of AIG, which was the largest diversified financial institution in the world. Edmund started in junior management and rose to the position of Chairman and CEO of AIA group and Sr. Vice-Chairman of Life (Worldwide Life operations) and Board Director of AIG. 

In  2011, the New AIA emerged when AIG sold its entire Life business in Asia, AIA became a public company listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange. 

Edmund with his bridge-like acumen, Western-trained business methods and Chinese strategic mentality, gives him a broad perspective on leadership. 

 I belong to the old AIA, but managed to stay connected through the social platforms and reunion gatherings. Edmund and Tan Hak Leh(AIA Regional CEO) were in attendance at our 2019 reunion gathering at SMU, Singapore. 

 Congratulations to Edmund Tse for such extraordinary achievements and  outstanding leadership! 

 Douglas Cho 

Fmr. VP(Admin) & Principal Officer 


March 12, 2021

(Note: the above has been posted on LinkedIn on the date stated)


Tuesday, 22 December 2020


2020 In Retrospect 


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Let my musing thoughts be an avenue to stay connected as we close the year. For those who are still mentally active and not in "dementia" mode, it is wise to cultivate a continuous learning attitude.  Some of our  former AIA colleagues are still in contact through my journal thought postings on LinkedIn. 

Let me reflect on some random thoughts before we end the year. 

Christmas is a season to remind us the importance of having peace, joy and love.  Besides the bitter cold weather in some areas, the year 2020 will go down in history, as the worst virus pandemic we have experienced in our generation on a worldwide scale. Unexpected in retrospect and uncertain going forward. 

 Economies are so advanced and so smart but still unable to contain or eradicate an invisible enemy! 

 We are forced to ponder on the more meaningful issues of life:

  • Is wealth more important than health? 
  • Is power more important than peace? 
  • Is fame more important than family and friends? 

The choice could be either or!  Sometimes a balance can be achieved but with some compromise! 

On the lighter side of life, the measures taken to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus, have taken away the many expressions of smiles from our faces. The mask veils have hidden the smiles!  Our hugs have been limited to a mere touch! Even the new babies have fewer cuddle contacts! Living in a world of untouchables! 

2020 will be a significant milestone in the history of mankind!  The results of the battle against covid-19; the global trade wars; the undertaking of climate change; the disruption in work and play; the health challenge at its peak.  We seem to be at the peak of human ingenuity and knowledge, but  unable to resolve the virus pandemic and human unrest! 

 I find the following description a bit ironical and also amusing:

"The human intellect was like peacock feathers. It's an extravagant display intended to attract a mate. All of art, literature, a bit of Mozart, William Shakespeare, Michelangelo, and the Empire State building... just an elaborate mating ritual. Maybe it doesn't matter that we have accomplished so much for the basest of reasons. The peacock can barely fly. It lives in the dirt, pecking insects out of the muck, consoling itself with its great beauty.”

At this moment in time, we are at an inflexion point. A crossroad of decision and choice to determine the path to tread and life to live. The past where we thought that we are the "master of our destiny" may be a pipe dream in the new normal of life. 

The new reality presents uncertainty and unpredictability!  An era that marks its peak and an attempt to relive another zenith experience!  The human nature is complex and sometimes confusing!  Some have reached their "actualization" stage but have been dragged down to the "survival" mode due to health or wealth downturn. 

Life is a mystery!  Developed countries are spending billions of dollars to explore the outer planets when our earthly planet are plaque down with poverty and famine? 

Many have been shipwrecked by the storms of life; some have been able to stay afloat; others have managed to sail through without much trouble!  In troubled times, we begin to understand the value of family and friends relationships. The helping hand extended; the words of encouragement; or the wise counsel, will provide the source of support to minimize the pain and soften the sufferings. 

As we end the year, it is a good time to reflect and consider what we have done and whether we can adjust and make changes to our values, beliefs, and lifestyles? 

In life's journey, there must be a compass to guide us, an anchor to provide security and stability, and a hope to assure that our destination is not in vain. 

To sum up, 2020 is an exceptional and unique year!  We are all taken by surprises.  The weak will be vulnerable and shaken. The strong will need renewed strength and courage to face an uncertain future. 

I began my musing with the thought regarding Christmas  and will end with it. Christmas not only reminds us of the close of the year, but signals the dawn of a brand new year. There is always hope and assurance for a new beginning in our lives, even when we are at the end chapters of our life's story. 

May you experience the joy in living and a heart of gratitude for the blessings in your life. 

Let me close on a positive note by wishing you and your family "A Merry Christmas and Happy & Successful New Year!" 

 God Bless, 

Douglas Cho

December 22, 2020 

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Lessons from Covid-19

Hi Colleagues & Friends,

This journal posting is unique? It is a period where the global community faces the same predicament, where the enemy is common to all! The invisible enemy which has caused widespread havoc and fear.

Under such an unpredictable environment, we can still lift up our spirits to reflect on the more meaningful issues of life. As we travel through the roller-coaster of life, this moment can be regarded as the downward spiral where the exhilaration in life turns to anxiety and uncertainty! The anticipation of the upward climb will cause hope to arise and maybe quieten the anxious mind.

With these brief opening thoughts, we are grateful to our former AIA/AIG colleagues who are willing to share their thoughts and insights during this time of isolation and distancing.

Peter Lin (USA):

Los Angeles - a city with unhealthy air quality and a skyline always covered with a dense layer of grayish smog. Yet with the onset of the lockdown in mid-march due to Covid-19, the skyline has surprisingly become a crystal-clear sky. Just as Covid-19 has added clarity to the Los Angeles skyline, COVID-19 added clarity to 3 key areas of my life - (COmmunity, Vibrancy, & IDentity). Together they form the acronym - COVID.

First, Covid clarifies my Identity. Being recently retired, I no longer have my work to add to my sense of significance.  Having no real estate to my name, my nest egg is subject to the roller coaster ride of the world economy. And when my work is gone, my resources decline, and my health can no longer be taken for granted, the true foundation of my identity becomes clear, I know I am still important today because of only one reason - I trust in a God who loves me regardless.

Second, Covid clarifies vibrancy. Young men are considered vibrant because of their high energy. Old men are considered dull because of their lack of energy. Yet Covid 19 uncovers a new gold standard in vibrancy in the front-line workers - the giving of one’s lives for others. This measurement has nothing to do with age but in acts of compassion. As an older man, I can truly be vibrant by the choices I make and the people I serve.

Third, Covid clarifies our true community. Because of the pandemic, we know who are our true friends - the ones who call us when we cannot contribute to their social needs. On the other hand, the pandemic has fostered new communities. In my apartment complex, a young missionary from Dominican Republic said that she was a stranger in a new land until the virus struck and new caring friendships were formed. Covid cannot destroy true communities but it open doors to new communities.

I broke my left wrist from a fall last July. The doctor told me that when the bone heals, it will be thicker and stronger than before. I believe the same holds true for us as we survive this pandemic together. We can be wiser as to who we are (ID), what makes us vibrant (V), and who really cares for (CO). A wisdom that will serve us well as we navigate the balance of our earthly journey meaningfully.

(Peter, an American citizen has returned to his home country in "retirement mode", but never knows he may reappear to his next calling!  He was formerly the President of Asian Operations, Liberty Mutual Group; former Vice President in Nan Shan and AIA Hong-Kong.)

Anna Ho (Hong Kong):

After the Chinese New Year holiday, all my interest classes which I had taken up after my retirement were suspended due to the coronavirus outbreak. My regular lunches with various groups of friends from work and from school were also cancelled in order to comply with social distancing advice. 

My only two weekly engagements that remained were the Sunday Mass and the Bible Study Fellowship. Although churches were closed, the diocese arranged live Mass on its website. BSF went on with its weekly lessons via the Zoom application.

It has dawned on me that while everything may stop, God is Unstoppable. He  will always stay with us; and we’ll always have access to Him and to His Word. During difficult times, I can still find peace in Him.

(Anna found her passion as an artist during her "retirement" mode; Anna together with Dominic Lee are the Coordinators for the AIA Hong Kong Alumni Group; former VP, Regional Group Business, AIA Hong Kong)

Daniel Tan (Australia):

Life lessons from COVID 19 pandemic.

1. *Stay Focus* and do not be fearful of the news and the circumstances. For me, I focus on being spiritually uplifted. 

2. *Stay Positive* by keeping myself filled with positive thoughts and edifying words. For me as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, I feed myself with God's word of Peace, Power & Promises.

3. *Stay Strong* by building up my immune system with healthy eating, adequate sleep & regular exercises.

4. *Stay Connected* with my loved ones, family members and friends. Update and check in on them to encourage and support them.

5. *Stay Serving* others within my sphere of influence, neighborhood and community so that I can offer random acts of kindness and practical support to those in needs.

(Daniel migrated to Australia and is currently involved in helping social enterprises in various communities. He is the Associate Director, Corporate Real Estate, TEMA International; former AVP, Property in AIA, Singapore)

Vincent Kwo (Malaysia):

This Covid pandemic has brought the world to the standstill. This virus shows all human beings without regards to your status, wealth, power, fame and race are equal and our human lives are so vulnerable.

The lockdown has given nature a breathing space. Blue sky, less waste, cleared pollution, sends human beings indoors and animals outdoors. The lockdown has brought us back to the safest place of home with family. It teaches us that life can be simple and be contented and guide us to live with faith, hope and love in our everyday living.

We are blessed that this pandemic happens now and not 10 or more years ago. With the social media and new technologies in place now, we can cope much better to this new normal of life. 

Perhaps we can arrange the next Singapore AIA Alumni gathering by Zoom. 

Stay Safe and healthy!

(Vincent can scale the heights in the insurance industry but due to his entrepreneur spirit, he has ventured into the "pioneering mode" of discovery. President of Malaysia Financial Planning Council, Society of Actuaries; Co-Founder of Bamboo Insurance; former Actuary, AIA Singapore)

Kevin Chia (Resident in China):

The pandemic is causing lots of problems throughout the world but I would like to share some happy thoughts.

You know China went into total lockdown in the last week of Jan. My adopted grandchildren in Jiangsu could not  leave their home. So their parents took them to stay in the country home before their town too went into lockdown.

The story is destiny arranges everything and in two days after they shifted there, our female golden retriever started to give birth in the middle of the night. Luckily my assistant, the children's father was there two days earlier, he suspected that the dog would give birth that night.

Lo and Behold, 12 puppies came that night but they were warm and comforted. I saw all through WeChat and actually cried with joy. If my assistant wasn't there, the water basin would have frozen ice, little light and the puppies might have not lasted through that winter night.

In a way, the pandemic saved the mother dog and her puppies and my little ones had a great time at home.

Even with a pandemic, Mother Nature still carries on with her work. Nature is GREAT!

(Kevin is our philosopher, commentator in Chinese culture and politics. He was formerly General Manager, China North Region, AXA Minmetals Assurance Co. Ltd.; Former VP, PA Dept., AIA)

Charlie Lau (Hong-Kong):

The time spent in Singapore from end January to April had me thinking of a few things, and allowed me to share with you.

It dawned on me that God has given us family relationships, be it between spouses, parents and children or siblings, to help us understand and appreciate His love. For God to say “I love you”, and if we had not experienced what love is, how are we to know what it is like to love and to 9be loved. It’s hard to love even family members the way God loves me; knowing that His love is unconditional and He is always willing to forgive, but I realized it is not impossible. 

We all have our challenges in our families, surprise, surprise!!  During the “circuit breaker” and quarantine period, I’ve learned, taking one step at a time, to appreciate my family, not to always take them for granted, and be more forgiving.

I’m now back in Hong Kong. While Carrie Lam seemed to have done well in fighting the Pandemic. She didn’t win the love of the black shirt protesters, who are again gearing up for another showdown as the first anniversary of the ‘mayhem’ draws near.

Life is short!  Take time to appreciate the amazing people in your life.
It’s not what we have in life,
but WHO we have in our life that matters?

(Charlie is a compassionate individual ministering to the needy and handicapped. He is residing in Hong Kong after spending most of his working life working as Regional Auditor for AIG)

Timothy Chia (Singapore):

"Three things that I learnt from this covid-19 pandemic:

(1) How helpless one can feel that you don’t know when and how the end will look like?

(2) It’s a mechanism to level the playing field as it does not discriminate if you are a towkay or a coolie and today you’re somebody and tomorrow you’re nobody if your business or you encounter cash flow issues and 

(3) When you get over to the other side, you need to learn how to adjust and adapt your life to the new normal - face mask, social distancing etc."

(Timothy is a significant sponsor in charity, especially in higher education. He is the Chairman of Hup Soon Global Co. Ltd; former Investment Executive in AIA, Singapore)

Mack Eng (Singapore)

Lessons for me, would share a couple:

People are inherently flexible; look how quickly we adapt to the new world order. Organizations already begin to digitalize, Covid19 expedited the process. Remote meetings, etc. are part of the new norm.

Despite our ability to adapt to digital etc., one thing remains constant - people to people relations are still core to all that we do, whether in business or otherwise. We can’t email or WhatsApp a warm handshake or hug. 

Through all this, it has made me value friends and colleagues more. 

(Mack is the "gig" generation of leaders which will have a great impact in the new norm. He is the Executive Vice President of MSIG Insurance Group; former Asst. Manager, PA Dept. in AIA, Singapore)

Kenneth Ling (Brunei):

This is the first ever pandemic that had a lasting impact on me. So much has already been written about it and how it will forever change the way we live.

To me it is just simply the forces of nature at work.

When you come to think about it, in term of resources, there is only so much in this world. Nothing more nothing less. Value is something created by mankind. When you put all the monetary value aside, matter on earth is finite.

So, when you take mother earth’s resources and use it for something good, good will comes out of it. The same is true otherwise.

However, mankind has done so much harm in the name of high living and development. Therefore, when the balance is disturbed, a counter force will be created to balance it out.

We can all choose what to do but we must face the consequence that comes with those actions.
In the end the forces of nature will always win.

We are just guests on earth, enjoy the stay, but have some courtesy.

(A philosophical view! Looks like Kenneth is a keen activist in preserving nature's environment. Currently Kenneth is the General Manager of AIA Brunei)

Let me highlight the essence of the lessons shared:

     Relationships are vital component to life

     Family matters when we are in trouble times

     Human lives are so vulnerable

     Our true identity being revealed in crisis situations

     Changes and adaptation are essential for a better tomorrow

     Spiritual perspective gives the reason and meaning of life

     Nature has its way of preserving the weak and helpless

     In a stand-still mode, God reveals himself

     Nature is God's creation to enjoy, not to destroy but to preserve

     Self-reflection opens new avenues of appreciation and support 

With this pandemic crisis, we witness how vulnerable human beings are! All the knowledge and latest technology cannot seem to resolve the attack of the invisible enemy. We are all finite and with limitations!

Kenneth sent me a story, I quote the ending for your reflection,

"Let’s spend this lockdown period to reflect on life’s true meaning.
We come, we go, the in between defines who we truly are."

We hope that on the micro level (families and friends), faith will arise instead of fear. Hope that will bring a meaningful existence rather than an aimless search for an elusive dream!

Survival is not always to the fittest, but to those who have learnt the lessons well and can adapt and change when adversity brings normalcy into uncharted territory.

Stay connected with family and friends as they are the source of support and encouragement in difficult circumstances. Creation reminds us that God is relational in nature!

All the best as we weather this unpredictable storm and emerge to the new dawn in the history of mankind!

Your colleague,
Douglas Cho
May 26, 2020

Thursday, 11 July 2019

2019 Reunion Gathering Feedback

Feedbacks are important as a communication tool. They provide an outlet for feelings, emotions and views.

Some of our colleagues have given their feedback on our 2019 Reunion Gathering on June 15th held at the SMU Lounge.

Anna Ho (Hong Kong)
"Just want to thank you once again for including us for the Singapore reunion.  Agree totally with Poh Wah's comments. Our appreciation goes to all the sponsors and the ambassadors.  We have taken advantage of and enjoyed all the benefits and services that went into the event."

Jacob Wong (Hong Kong)

" Thank you very much for allowing us to join the 2019 Reunion in Singapore.  It was fantastic and we all loved it, particularly on meeting all our good friends in the AIA family.   Please do include my email in your distribution list so that I can get those related news.

Seeing you in the coming events."

Lily Rumjahn (Hong Kong

" Douglas, thank you and the Alumni Ambassadors for all the hard work in organizing the reunion.  It was totally enjoyable to spend time with members of the alumni and everything was well organized.  We all loved the performance by the very professional band and the photo booth. So happy to receive hard copies of the photos which we can always flip through from time to time."

Kevin Chia (China)

" Let me first thank you for organising this event. I know it is very troublesome to be doing this and that it takes great determination and sense of purpose to continue doing this.

For me who have been in China for over 20 years and having left AIA Singapore for even longer, these previous meetings let me keep in touch with so many old colleagues, some of whom I have forgotten their names. And as we grow older, we will even forget more persons as our minds deteriorate. 

I am so glad that Edmund himself turned up, knowing well that he has so many functions and do not easily turn up for such social functions.

As for the function, my flight back was truly worthwhile. It was a delightful evening to meet so many old friends and have so much good food. And all for free!!!

From the looks of the others present, you can clearly see that they were enjoying themselves. In their old days in AIA, I don't even see them fraternize so much. You can also see your group of loyal supporters. Thank you once again."

Daniel Tan (Perth, Australia

" It was a nostalgic and memorable event for me to catch up with all levels of AIA staff from Singapore including those from Hong Kong, other neighboring regions. We have over abundance of foods and drinks, music, instant photos, and prizes to take home including lasting friendships and memories!

Thank you, Douglas and your committed team for organizing this special reunion for all of us. It worth all the effort to reschedule my flight to make it."

Clement Lien (Indonesia)

"Thank you Douglas for organizing such an enjoyable gathering. I am happy that I have the opportunity to meet up with old friends. Hope that we can continue with this tradition."

Timothy Chia (Singapore)

"Let me first thank you and all my former colleagues , who have now become friends, for again putting together a very warm and nostalgic reunion .

So good to see so many familiar faces and suddenly you begin to realise that it has been nearly 3 decades that we were all working together and how time has flown . 

Great to have given Edmund Tse a ride to and from the party as I haven't seen him for more than 20 years and, short as it was, we had a great catch up time. 

Looking forward to the next one! "

Sarah Ong (Singapore)

"It was a relaxing night with good food, great company,  overflowing of fine wine, soothing music and fun photography session to capture our precious memories with our ex-colleagues. Thanks to all for making it yet another unforgettable gathering."

Jenny Wong (Singapore

"It was a well organized event. Thank you Douglas and the organizing committee for making the reunion of the  alumni possible." 

Ronald Seah (Singapore)

I think it was well organised and as in previous years provided a very good opportunity for old friends and colleagues to re-connect.

Lance Tay (Singapore) 

"A great gathering of all the wise man and woman! Also, made me feel young as I think I am below the average age of the group! This gathering was made special by the presence of Edmund Tse who looked exactly the same as he was in 1985 when I joined AIA!

Cheers Douglas and thanks for organising another great reunion."

We thank all the colleagues who have given their feedback. Indeed the opportunity to meet fellow colleagues, past and present, resonated from all who have attended the reunion.

The critical success factor for all reunions is the presence of attendees or else all efforts will be fruitless and with limited outcome.

Remember that in human relationships, we can experience moments of happiness and pleasure. Keep the collegial friendship intact as you continue to journey through life. 

Douglas Cho

Sunday, 7 July 2019

Dear Colleagues & Friends, 

Our 2019 Reunion Gathering has come and gone! It will be part of memories for those who have attended. 

This year's gathering had added international flavour as we welcomed colleagues from Hong Kong, China, Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia. To spice up the occasion, we had the pleasant surprise of the attendance of Edmund Tse (current AIA Hon. Chairman) and Tan Hak Leh (AIA Regional CEO). 

It's a rare occasion where such event is free of charge. We are thankful to the generous sponsors: buffet dinner from AIA; Croatia wine from Timothy Chia; lucky draw prizes from Ronald Seah; photo booth from Desmond Yong, Jenny Wong, Lance Tay And Ronald Seah. 

Reunion is a time of renewing friendship and establishing the collegial bond. For those who attended, it is an indication that life matters and human relationships are vital in our pilgrim's journey. 

Memories captured in pictures provide a better and more lasting effect than words. Hope the photos contained in the blog portray the sentiments of the occasion. Memories come alive when reunion gatherings occur! 

Happy Memories, 

Douglas Cho 

2019 Reunion Gathering
June 15, 2019, Singapore
SMU Lounge 

  Dear Colleagues,   Let me begin with this story to illustrate a simple truth about personal connection.   Spend time with people. ...